Dr. Matt Connell

Fundraising team for Community Impact Honoree Fundraiser

Help us reach our goal!

So far we've raised $300 out of $1,000










days left

Our Team Story

Dr. Matthew J. Connell spent over 25 years as the Dean of the Monroe Campus of Northampton Community College in Tannersville, PA from 1994 to his retirement in September of 2020. While at NCC, Matt personally impacted thousands of lives of students, faculty, staff, and community members with his ‘pay it forward’ attitude and complete enjoyment of helping others - he was also instrumental in the building of the beautiful new NCC Monroe Campus that opened in 2014.
Matt was involved in a number of community projects and organizations over the last 25+ years including the Monroe County Planning Commission (Board Member), Non-Profit and Community Assistance Center (Board Member), Monroe County 2030 Action Team Executive Committee (Chair), Monroe County Behavioral Health Consortium (Chair & Member), Northeastern Pennsylvania Alliance (Chair & Member), Youth Employment Services (Chair & Board Member), Business Education Partnership of Monroe County (Vice Chair), Pocono Counties Workforce Development Board (Board Member), United Way of Monroe County (Member & President of Board of Directors, Chair Annual Campaign), Wall Street West (Chair), Greater Pocono Chamber of Commerce (Chair), Leadership Pocono (Mentor, Board Member & Chair), Monroe County School to Work Partnership (Member), Chestnuthill Township (Member), C.A.R.E. Reentry Program (Lead), West End Little League (Coach) and many more. He was also consistently recognized by awards from across these organizations including being granted Emeritus status at NCC, awarded as a Distinguished Campus Administrator from Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society, recognized with Volunteer of the Year (2008), President's Award (2006) and Clifford R. Fillam Award (2006) from the United Way of Monroe County and Citizen of the Year (2002) from the Greater Pocono Chamber of Commerce.
Matt passed away in February of 2022 after a courageous battle with cancer, but the legacy and impact he left on Monroe County and the community will be felt for decades to come. Matt's family is incredibly proud of him to be honored as a Community Impact Honoree and the work he did throughout his life to help others.

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