Auction Elves

Fundraising team for 2024 Challenge

Help us reach our goal!

So far we've raised $70 out of $2,500










days left

Our Team Story

We are a Challenge Team that is excited and driven to fundraise (and have fun!) for this important cause that has such a large impact on children & families in our community.

Meet Our Team

Jaimie Sousa

$0/$500 Raised | 0% Funded

Jaimie Sousa says:

I want to have a greater impact on the community and I believe in this organization's mission to support children in need and empower them to succeed.

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Jill Ober

$0/$500 Raised | 0% Funded

Jill Ober says:

I want to have a greater impact on the community and I believe in this organization's mission to support children in need and empower them to succeed.

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Doug Morrissette

$70/$500 Raised | 14% Funded

Doug Morrissette says:

I want to have a greater impact on the community and I believe in this organization's mission to support children in need and empower them to succeed.

View Fundraiser

Team Captain

$0/$500 Raised | 0% Funded

Team Captain says:

I want to have a greater impact on the community and I believe in this organization's mission to support children in need and empower them to succeed.

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Doug Morrissette

$0/$500 Raised | 0% Funded

Doug Morrissette says:

As Chairperson of the Greater Lakes Region Charitable Fund for Children it is amazing to see our community come together and support the children and...

View Fundraiser

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