Fueling Our Communities
About this Campaign
Fueling Our Communities
Helping cover extra expenses related to COVID-19 to keep our patients, front-line staff and providers safe.
You can help CommunityHealth respond to the urgent needs of our patients now during the COVID-19 pandemic. Any gift you make to this campaign will be put to good use, as we remain committed to keeping our doors open as a reliable medical home for low-income, uninsured patients during this critical time. In addition, any gifts by new donors to CommunityHealth will be matched by the Reva & David Logan Foundation – up to $25,000.
At CommunityHealth, our patients know they have a place they can trust and feel safe. Our staff and volunteers understand our patients’ situations and provide culturally sensitive care that helps them feel comfortable as they receive care. This feeling of safety has never been more important. As the threat of COVID-19 and its repercussions continues to grow, it is more important than ever to keep patients healthy and out of the emergency department. Like many health centers across the country, CommunityHealth has been continuously adapting the way we operate, while working to keep our staff and volunteers safe as they provide necessary and urgent health care to our patients. There are, however, significant financial costs to continuing to provide care currently. Some of these costs cover:
- Personal Protective Equipment: the cost of basic medical supplies such as surgical masks, gowns, and gloves are not only difficult to obtain, but our need for them has increased exponentially, and they have all greatly increased in price. We recently purchased a single box of N-95 masks for $75 (they usually cost $10).
- Rapid flu testing: these tests help us rule out coronavirus in ten minutes, easing the fears of patients and clinicians. We do not normally offer these tests, but we are now conducting them quite often, and thus, it has proven to be a highly effective tool in the current situation. Much like the medical supplies mentioned above, the cost of these flu tests has also doubled during the pandemic. 25 flu tests now cost $395 (used to cost $200).
- Technology: computer and telephone technology which will allow staff and volunteers to contact patients (sometimes from their own homes) in a way that is reliable, effective, and protects everyone’s privacy. We are even utilizing remote interpretation for appointments that require translation into Spanish or Polish
We understand that many of our patients work jobs without paid sick leave that make difficult or impossible to self-isolate during this time. This is why we are committed to keeping our doors open as a reliable medical home for our low-income and uninsured patients during this critical time.
We are thankful for your support and your belief in our mission… because no one should go without healthcare.