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Laura Brewster

My name is Laura Brewster and I am a first time book author and I also help socialize dogs at the Humane Society. I have Asperger Syndrome, a type of Autism, but I don't let it stop me from pursuing my dreams! I am using this fundraiser to support Eva's Heroes, a charity that helps children and young adults with disabilities interact, grow, learn and love through various programs offered year round. This charity gave me my first paying job as a assistant camp counselor and the lessons and skills I gained that summer still help me today. I am so grateful and proud of their love for the special need community.

About this Campaign

Laura Brewster

The purpose of the Royal Court is to create visibility for the Leadership and Contributions individuals with disabilities make in our community each day while providing a platform for leadership and life skills development and training.

This opportunity enables individuals with disabilities to participate in one of the long-standing traditions of San Antonio...Fiesta®, San Antonio's Party with a Purpose.  The Fiesta Especial® Royal Court represents the community of individuals with disabilities at various Fiesta® events and activities while bringing awareness to one more segment of the beautiful canvas of people that make San Antonio a wonderful place to live, work and play.

"Excellent experience for our special needs royal court in improving communication skills, planning, patience, the importance of fulfilling commitments, genuine acceptance and a sense of role modeling for others. I could go on and on!!!" - 2013 Fiesta Especial Royal Court Parent

The 2017-2018 Fiesta Especial Royal Court will consist of 10 individuals.  Each participant will run a campaign to raise funds for programs and services that benefit children and/or adults with disabilities.  40% of their campaigns will go to nonprofit organizations of their choice and the other 60% help to support the Fiesta Especial Celebration Day in April.  100% of each contribution to a candidate's campaign goes to supporting programs and services and is eligible for a tax deduction.

A Royal Court Reveal Party will be held on Sunday, December 10th to announce the results of the campaigns.  The court will be crowned at their coronation on Wed., February 7th, 2018.

http://www.FiestaEspecial.com | http://www.disabilitysa.org

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