WCMHS- Where Hope and Support Come Together

For 50 years we have served our community through education and treatment of individuals who live with mental health, substance use and developmental challenges

A fundraising campaign for Washington County Mental Health Services

We are raising funds to support this amazing project that began here at Washington County Mental Health Services (WCMHS) in 2016.  Let me tell you a bit more about it...

The Imagination Station came to fruition from the dedicated work of the Vermont Autism Puzzle Foundation in collaboration with WCMHS.  After initial communications between the Autism Puzzle Foundation and WCMHS, they offered a gift to WCMHS that the executive team and board of directors could not refuse.  The Foundation gave the agency substantial funds to renovate 1200 square feet at WellSpace in Barre and to install a state of the art multi-sensory Snoezelen room.  And thus, Imagination Station was born!

The Snoezelen concept originated in Holland in the 1970’s as a recreational environment for adults with intellectual disabilities. The term Snoezelen is derived from two Dutch words meaning “to seek out or to explore” and “to relax.”  A Snoezelen room is a multi-sensory environment filled with lighting effects, shapes, textures, aromatherapy, soft music, and colors. The space is fun, interactive and can be tailored to each individual's needs and comfort level to ensure a positive, calming experience.

The Imagination Station is now six months old, and to date, the reviews from all who have utilized the space have been very positive!  Heather Slayton, our Imagination Station Specialist, and Phil Wells, WellSpace Director, have created a system that trains people to accompany anyone who wants to come to the space to explore, relax and have fun!  Heather and Phil are working with area schools, the Department of Health, as well as individual families to make this great place available to as many people as possible, and referrals are increasing all the time.

So, we need to raise money at this time to ensure we have funds to pay for upkeep of this amazing resource for our community and beyond.  Please help us support this great project by making a donation today!!

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