Halloween Party - 2015

Hosted by: Village Network Center - Edgewood Village


October 31, 2015


Past Opportunity


Awna Ari
[email protected]

This is a past opportunity

About Halloween Party - 2015

This is a family friendly event for the children living in Edgewood Village, a multi-cultural, low-income and subsidized housing community. Volunteers will be assisting with preparing food, set-up, clean-up, prize giveaways, photo booth, face painting and facilitating crafts and games. Volunteers interact with kids and adults, pick-up trash and answer any questions. For judges, the costume contest begins at 5 and judging at 5:30. You are welcome to bring your family and stay for the fun or just come in to judge.

To sign up for a specific task, please go to this link

Application Process

Please sign up at this link:

Volunteers (5)

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