Plant a Seed for Tomorrow

Plant smiles, grow laughter, harvest love!

As more and more small farms are disappearing from the landscape, our 400 year old farm is still in operation today with renewed focus and energy. Our bucolic farm is set on a hilltop overlooking the Hudson Valley and New Croton watershed with views of the majestic Manhattan skyline. As there are only a few organic vegetable farms in the area, we pride ourselves on providing fresh, organic, and healthy vegetables, often coming out of the field just hours before they are sold or donated!

We are always busy here at the farm. Whether we are educating a new crop of farmers, introducing children to where their food comes from, or providing produce to local food pantries or soup kitchens; something is always happening! Hilltop Hanover Farm is not just a farm, it is a place for the community to gather, take educational classes, pick vegetables, or simply a place to connect with nature; there is a place for everyone at Hilltop Hanover Farm.

This year was exciting because we:
  • Were visited by over 25,000 people
  • Hosted 2,500 school children
  • Donated over 10,000 pounds of produce to local food pantries & soup kitchens
  • Accepted WIC and Farm Market food stamps
  • Served as a hub for community gatherings (ie: Farm Fest, Square Dance, Farm-to-Table Dinner)

Your contributions during this end of year campaign will:            
  • Allow us to expand and further our education programs
  • Benefit all environmental conservation initiatives
  • Supply our goats, chickens, and cows with feed & proper equipment
  • Promote sustainable, organic, & local farming with no use of chemical pesticides
  • Educate the next generation of farmers through staff, volunteers, & interns

Join us in building a local, sustainable, and organic food system 
that will benefit our community and environment. 
Prefer a payment plan or recurring gift? There is an option for that as well, which presents itself after clicking a donation level. Make an impact today that will last throughout the year! 

Once again, thank you for your continuous support!

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