Science-Based Addiction Recovery for Students

Bringing SMART Recovery to College Campuses Across America

A fundraising campaign for SMART Recovery

Recovery informed by  science

SMART Recovery®  resonates with young adults in a way that other recovery programs do not. Our abstinence-based program provides tools based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) which is a recognized, evidenced-based approach for recovery from all types of addiction.

Your gift helps train youth leaders to bring our science-based, empowering approach for addiction recovery to college campuses across America.

Together, We Can Change Young Lives! Click here to donate.

Rather than asking them to declare themselves powerless, our abstinence-based program empowers young adults to overcome their addiction using tools based on CBT.  CBT has been proven through scientific research to be an effective approach for addiction recovery. 

You can make an immediate difference for many young adults struggling with substance abuse.

Your tax-deductible donation will make our science-based, empowering program available to more your adults on college campuses across America.

Thank you for your support,

Shari Allwood, Executive Director, SMART Recovery.

Together We Can Change Young Lives! Click here to donate.

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