Be an advocate for change!

Hosted by: Partnership for Strong Communities


Ongoing Opportunity


Contact coordinator for times


Virtual Opportunity


Amanda Trothier
[email protected]

About Be an advocate for change!

Take Action!
Housing is not a partisan issue. Everyone needs an affordable, safe, secure home - this goal is supported by members of both major parties, by rich and poor residents, by business executives and labor officials and by constituencies as diverse as education and healthcare, transportation and environmental quality.
But creating homes that are affordable for low and moderate income households requires a broad range of support. Local, state and federal governments can help provide the funding, legal and administrative resources needed to create housing, but this must be complemented by funding from private corporations and philanthropy.
Also essential is the support and leadership provided by volunteers and contributors, people who dedicate their time, talents and money to organizations that promote and create affordable housing, supportive housing and solutions to end homelessness. And perhaps most important, it requires participation by informed members of the public who are able to articulate why a safe, secure affordable home is vital, how and where it can be created, and why we all lose if it is not.
In short, this effort needs champions willing to stand up to and educate those who don't yet realize the importance of affordable housing to their communities, or who are motivated by misconceptions about affordable housing – what it is, what it looks like, and who needs it.
Here's What You Can Do:
Learn more about affordable housing, supportive housing and homelessness.
Find out more about the housing needs of your community. Check out our Housing Data Profiles for more information.
Write or talk to your mayor or first selectman about the community's need for affordable housing.
Attend a planning and/or zoning board meeting in your town to advocate for more affordable and mixed-income housing options.
Get involved in your community's 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness. Contact the CT Coalition to End Homelessness to learn more about what local communities are up to.
Email, write or call your state or federal lawmakers.
Contact your state legislators during this legislative session to support specific efforts to prevent and end homelessness.
Consider contributing to the Partnership, so that we can continue our work.
Respond to a housing issue in the news by writing a letter to the editor, or commenting on a blog.

We're looking for volunteers who:

Care about:

  • Seniors
  • Community Advocacy
  • Veterans
  • Homelessness & Housing
  • Youth
  • Poverty and Hunger
  • Education
  • Politics
  • Women's Issues
  • Social Justice

Are interested in:

  • Intellectual Pursuits

Volunteers (1)

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