Youth Development and Mentoring Program

Hosted by: New Nations Center


Ongoing Opportunity


Contact coordinator for times


Justin Hall
[email protected]

About Youth Development and Mentoring Program

The 2019 - 2020 Personal Development Program will begin in January 2019. This program will lead participant aged 14 to 25 through one year of personal growth and career development. Classes will be given in personal growth, job skills, education tutoring for grade level and college prep, life skills and much more...

At the end of the year participant who successfully completes the program will participate in our Kings and Queens Ball. This ball will signify their transition and new understanding. Kings and Queens Ball will be for all participants aged 17 to 23 years of age.

Participants who are of legal age to obtain employment will receive on the job skills and training to prepare them to maintain employment and advance in those positions, business attire for job interviews, hair, and makeup for both men and women, bus pass for transportation to interviews and working hours.

Participants must agree to stay in the program for one year and make a commitment to changing risky behavior, live a healthier life and focus on their success. To take part in the program please complete the form below and one of our staff members will be in contact with you.

Volunteers are needed in the following,
1. Career Skills and Job Development
2.Education ( Grades 11th to College)
3. Civil Law and Criminal Law
4. Addiction Counselors
5.Life Skills
6. Mentors for Men's and Women's Group
7. Credit Management
8. Suicide Prevention
9. Health

Application Process

For all applicants who wish to be a mentor for our men's and women's groups must pass a background check.

Those who volunteer to teach workshops must provide resume and proof of knowledge in the field they wish to teach.

We need volunteers to help with:


February 9, 2019 12:00am February 8, 2020 12:00am
This task is filled or completed
Mentors for young men and women between the ages of 15 to 23. Most of these youth are at risk, aged out of foster care.
Who volunteered?

Workshop Leaders

March 9, 2019 12:00am February 8, 2020 12:00am
This task is filled or completed
Please see description in the main bio for a position, more positions will be added throughout the year.

Volunteers (1)

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