Meals on Wheels - Together, We Can Deliver!
Hosted by: Meals on Wheels of Greater Newburgh, Inc.
Ongoing Opportunity
Contact coordinator for times
Carole McDermott, President
[email protected]
About Meals on Wheels - Together, We Can Deliver!

Can you help deliver nutritious meals to homebound individuals in Newburgh and New Windsor on a weekday from 11AM until 12 noon? Each delivery route has 10 to 12 meals and two volunteers - one drives while the other brings the meals to the clients' front doors. Most volunteers choose a regular day each week, but you could also become a substitute.
We also need volunteers to help in our kitchen on weekdays from 9:00AM until 11AM and assist the cooks with preparing the meals for delivery. You can choose a regular day each week, or help on a substitute basis.
We will work with your schedule!
Application Process
Call (845-562-3490) or visit us on weekday mornings (35 Cerone Place, Newburgh) for a Volunteer Application. Or visit us online at .
We're looking for volunteers who:
Care about:
- Seniors
- Health and Wellness
- Poverty and Hunger
Volunteers (1)
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