JLBC CPA or Treasurer Needed

Hosted by: Junior League of Battle Creek


Ongoing Opportunity


Contact coordinator for times


Tiffany Blackman
[email protected]
(269) 967-5723

About JLBC CPA or Treasurer Needed

JLBC is looking to find a treasurer that will commit to moving our organization forward for the next 2-3 years. Accepting this position is a minimum 2 year commitment including monthly meetings or one-on-one's annually. Our current treasurer will be moving out of state but has enjoyed the opportunity to build/use her skill set and give back to our community. Our last few treasurers have advanced to become Finance VP's. *Experience with QuickBooks is preferred. Duties include bill payment, check book reconciliation, and working closely with our Finance Vice President to create efficiencies and update the JLBC budget. Benefits include networking, social activities, resume building, and potential training/skill building opportunities. JLBC is a 501c3 nonprofit organization within a network of over 290 Junior Leagues internationally (all maintaining Treasurer's) with over 150,000 members. The Michigan network consists of 9 different Junior Leagues.

Application Process

In order to apply, please submit a brief letter of inquiry and your resume to our President-Elect & Finance VP directly at [email protected], Attn: Tiffany Blackman, Re: Treasurer.

Volunteers (1)

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