Ithaca Underground 2016

Help fund Ithaca Underground's radically inclusive events and operations for 2016.

A fundraising campaign for Ithaca Underground
Ithaca Underground is a 100% volunteer run 501(c)(3) not-for-profit. Please donate to IU to help keep Ithaca's underground scene alive and vibrant in 2016!

Since 2007, Ithaca Underground has nurtured a sustainable all ages (and especially youth) supportive environment where music and art outside of the mainstream is encouraged and able flourish. 
We present 60+ shows a year featuring national touring, regional, and local performers. Events include hardcore, punk, math-rock, hiphop, noise-rock, grindcore, progressive and experimental genres, ever-evolving sub-genres, and more. 
 In addition to presenting year-round events, IU trains youth and community members on sound, photography, videography, social media, fundraising, grant writing, and more. 

As IU grows and thrives we are offering more shows, more volunteer training and more community collaborations. To keep IU events affordable to all and give them maximum impact, we are introducing crowd funding to help support the costs of ongoing programming.

We need your support to continue to deliver accessible
 all ages shows next year. 

“IU is a safe place. It's something to look forward to throughout the week.” 

– Sadie Spearman, Student

“IU is the only artistic network that matters in Ithaca. This is because their compassion, their sense of community, their inclusiveness and their fearless leader are setting the greatest example for our highly talented and influential youth culture who are thriving under IU's watch.” 

- Abel McSurely Bradshaw, Musician & Promoter 

"Ithaca Underground has without a doubt showcased to the community at large the possibilities of just how far art and music can be pushed across boundaries and given a platform to countless creative types to further their expression to an audience to absorb new and wonderful sights and sounds.  Their contribution to the community is essential" 

– Ryan Canavan, owner of Hex Records (Syracuse) 

 “IU is my family. It's my safe space, a place for free exploration, mutual appreciation, and growth as an individual and a community.” 

- Melisa Casano, long-time IU Volunteer

“Ithaca Underground is a reason to be in Ithaca. IU does an outstanding job of fostering an active, dedicated community of musicians, artists, volunteers, and fans, all of whom inevitably form lasting friendships. There's nothing like it anywhere else.” 

- Benjamin Torrey, Ithaca Voice & IU Volunteer

“Ithaca Underground was something a couple friends of mine started to unify the fringe music scene in Ithaca. Thanks to Bubba Crumrine & the community it has grown to become something larger and more successful than they ever anticipated. I.U. is a safe space with circle pits and moshing.” 

- Andrew Summers, IU & Ithaca International Fantastic Film Festival Volunteer

IU has made me feel like I am a part of the local Ithaca community in a way that nothing else has. It's also taught me so much about music and shows that I never expected to learn. I love how much positivity always surrounds the IU community.

- Sohpie Liu, Cornell Student & Volunteer

Ithaca Underground has allowed me to expand my art and passion into the Ithaca area, while also putting smiles on the faces of performers and fans. IU also brings members of the community together who are both new or experienced to the local music scene. IU has a big place in my heart for all the wonderful things it has done for me, and many others.

- Mo Petkov, Photographer & Volunteer

Ithaca Underground has for years created a radical environment where I discovered myself and a world of music that transcends conventions. I wouldn't be where I am now if it weren't for Ithaca Underground. It has provided me with a community where I can feel excited, invigorated, and revitalized to go back to my small city life laden with static glum. For that I can't appreciate IU enough.

- Étienne Grenier, 73 Records owner & musician.

Your donations:

$25 Helps upkeep, upgrade and replace IU’s sound, photo and video equipment: An important part of IU is providing the proper equipment and infrastructure to train our young volunteers on industry-standard equipment and software, such as soundboards and other PA related equipmentvideo equipment and digital cameras, and photo-editing, video-editing and graphic design software

$50 Pays for one local band performance: For years, many local bands and musicians have been donating their time and music. This has been instrumental in our growth and success, but we are now in a position to support the musicians whom have supported IU. Even a modest payment of $50 per event can help a new, young band record and distribute their music in a DIY setting.

$75 Provides meals and water for musicians at one event: A key to IU’s success in attracting well-known regional and national acts is our hospitality. For most DIY bands, receiving a quality hot meal when on tour is as memorable as any performance. It is these positive memories that help convince bands to return to Ithaca on repeated tours, plus they are more likely tell other bands that our city is a destination worth playing. Such hospitality is vital to creating and maintaining our vibrant DIY music scene.

$100 Contributes to IU bringing one national headlining act to an event: A big part of our success comes from exposing the community and youth to regional and national acts.

$200 Contributes to one major IU event act or musician: IU hosts several major, multi-artist events each year including Big Day In, One Fest, and November Music Series.

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