Crisis Coaching



Ongoing Opportunity


Contact coordinator for times


Sherry Stumph
[email protected]

About Crisis Coaching

So, what does a CAA Crisis Coach look like?

Very simply we work with people who need a hand journeying through the crisis of addiction. Serving people and families in desperate places.

We as crisis addiction coaches come alongside individuals and families to help them "repair" the damage they have sustained from the crisis in their life and also to help them "prepare" to continue on with their lives in a healthy way.

We get them through these difficult situations and then point them to healthy counselors, churches and other God loving people to help them maintain a Christ centered healthy life.

As a CAA volunteer crisis coach you would commit to 5 to 10 hours a month or as needed. Training will be provided.

Application Process

Give us a ring! The interview, vetting, and application process is done over the phone. Tell us your story and why you want to volunteer as a coach!

Volunteers (0)

No one has signed up yet, but you could be the first!