Operation Sunflower

Hosted by: Blue Dolphin Alliance


Ongoing Opportunity


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About Operation Sunflower

In the Summer '88 issue of "Caduceus", Dr. Horace Dobbs expounded his theory that an encounter with a wild dolphin can help those who are clinically depressed. To investigate his hypothesis he set up Operation Sunflower, for which he took three people with different experiences of depression to Dingle Bay in Ireland to meet with a wild dolphin, Funghie.

I was lucky enough to be one of the three. My own experience of depression started whin I was about nine years old. I am now approaching twenty three. I was beset by the most morbid and catastrophic fears which I was unable to share even with my parents, who have always striven to provide a loving and suportive home. There was very little apparent in my environment which could have triggered my generally sad and occasionally very depressed attitude.
Read more here http://bluedolphin.org/sandh/opsun.html

Volunteers (3)

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