Urgent Need for Blood Drive Donor Screeners

Hosted by: American Red Cross


Ongoing Opportunity


Contact coordinator for times


Eli Aguirre
[email protected]

About Urgent Need for Blood Drive Donor Screeners

Help keep our front-line workers stay safe. So, the American Red Cross can continue to deliver the vital services for those who depend on the us each day.

We need your help to insure our blood drives are safe. It's a simple, potentially life-saving volunteer role.

. Ensure each potential blood donor is greeted and thanked
. Take donor temperatures using a no-touch infrared thermometer
. Sanitize entry, registration and hospitality areas
. Gloves, sanitizer, sani-cloths and masks available at all blood drives
. Free training provided
. Volunteers must be 18 years or older.

WHERE: American Red Cross Blood Drives.

HOW TO GET STARTED by registering here: https://rdcrss.org/2ygxi95

Did you know blood cannot be manufactured nor used from anyone else other than healthy
human beings? Every 2 seconds every day someone needs blood.

How to get started:
-Complete the online application at https://rdcrss.org/2ygxi95
-Or for any questions or to schedule a personal volunteer consultation contact:
Eli Aguirre, Recruitment Specialist
[email protected]

*Missouri/Arkansas Area Focused *
If you live outside of Missouri/ Arkansas, use this link: https://www.redcross.org/find-your-local-chapter.html

Volunteers (0)

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