VFOR 2018 Calcutta

VFOR's annual Calcutta to raise money for our pledge to help with substance abuse disorder by providing safe, drug-free living environments.

A fundraising campaign for Vermont Foundation of Recovery

A substance-free home is vital to the success of individuals in early recovery.  This experience is backed

by research. A two year study conducted by researchers at DePaul University found that individuals who

entered sober housing after substance abuse treatment discharge (2006) “had significantly lower

substance use, significantly higher monthly income, and significantly lower incarceration rates”

compared with individuals who left treatment to a “usual-care condition (i.e., outpatient treatment or

self-help groups).” (Leonard A. Jason, 2006)  Recovering alcoholics and addicts who have access to

sober housing not only become healthy, they become productive and valued citizens.

Your contribute directly correlates to a better society.  Not only for our members, but for the surrounding communities as well.  Please make a contribution to this year's Calcutta. 

Leonard A. Jason, B. D. (2006, Vol. 96, pp1727–1729.). An examination of main and interactive effects of

substance abuse recovery housing on multiple indicators of adjustment. American Journal of Public

Health, 96, 1727-1729. doi:doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2007.01846.x

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