Team Tourette TD Five Boro Bike Tour


A fundraising event for Tourette Association of America

Event Information

Monday, May 04, 2026 from 7:30am - 12:00pm

Get ready to experience 40 miles of car-free streets in all five boros at the 2025TD Five Boro Bike Tour.  This is your chance to join us in New York City on May 4th, 2025, and make a difference by donating to support our mission. By helping us spread awareness of Tourette Syndrome, Tic Disorders, and associated co-occurring conditions, you'll be contributing to a worthy cause and making a lasting impact for the 1 in 50 school-age children impacted by TS or tic disorder. Don't wait - act now and be part of this incredible event! 
The TAA is our community’s leading source for support and information. Every dollar raised helps to further the mission of our organization. To learn more, visit 

5K Bib Price: $275 Fundraising Minimum: $1,000 

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