Help Queer Asylum Seekers with basic needs while processing their cases. QDEP is a project of the center for Transformative Action, a 501(c)3 organization

In a world plagued by conflict, persecution, and economic turmoil, millions are forced to flee their homes in search of safety and freedom. The plight of immigrants, especially LGBTQIA+ and HIV+ individuals, remains dire and urgent.  Since 2022, over 200,000 new immigrants have arrived in New York City, and this number will continue to grow. QDEP is on the front lines, working to support LGBTQIA+ and HIV+ new arrivals as they navigate a system that often fails to treat them fairly. Discriminatory laws, violence, and systemic barriers stand as formidable obstacles to our vision of liberation.

For too many LGBTQIA+ immigrants, the notion of freedom remains beyond reach. Despite strides toward equality, exclusion and discrimination persist in our communities. QDEP is tirelessly advocating for change demanding equity, and working to #FreeThemAll from ICE detention. Since the onset of Covid-19, we've successfully advocated for the release of 200+ LGBTQIA+ immigrants from ICE detention and across the US/Mexico border. We've welcomed 100+ people to New York City and New Jersey, providing crucial support including access to health care, community support, legal representation, and housing resources, through our Member Support Program. Through our Community Organizing Program we work to address the injustices that LGBTQIA+ and HIV+ immigrants experience, all the while centering directly impacted immigrants and creating opportunities to develop leaders to enact change in their communities. 

We need YOUR support to continue advocating for justice, providing access to healthcare, legal representation, education and resources for LGBTQIA+ immigrants starting new lives in the USA. QDEP invites you to make a tangible difference in the lives of LGBTQIA+ immigrants by donating to our fundraising campaign. Every contribution counts. Even if you're unable to donate, please share this fundraiser with your networks and friends.

Together, we can create a world where all individuals, regardless of their background, can live free from fear and discrimination. Thank you for supporting QDEP!

Your donations will go towards:

  • Providing commissary funds to members in immigration detention
  • Supporting our members with Asylum and Work Authorization applications
  • Monthly Member Meetings
  • Roundtrip Metrocards for members
  • Leadership development and political education initiatives
  • Community mobilizations and actions
  • Collaborative Community Events
  • Coalition and Campaigns working towards LGBTQ+ and Immigrant rights
  • General Operations


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