Summer Matching Campaign!

A fundraising campaign for Youth Farm Project

Celebrating 10 yrs of farm-based social justice education, food access and community nutrition!

A generous donor has pledged to match every dollar you donate up to $20,000.

With the $40,000 + dollars we can raise together we can:
 - expand the Fresh Snack Program in 2019-20 into 7 out of 8 Ithaca City School District Elementary schools - and pilot Middle Schools too!
-  expand our Fall Intensive, in order to mentor more youth - and in turn they can mentor elementary kids in school gardens.
-  move forward on the climate resilient farm plan that the Farm Operations Committee of the Board has laid out, including planting an orchard, and putting a deer fence around it!

Our mission is to open space for youth from diverse social and economic backgrounds as integral participants in building equitable local food communities.

YFP is dedicated to healing our food system through an anti-racist organizing lens by bringing together youth from diverse backgrounds to explore environmental and social injustice within the food system.

We believe that through critical thinking and openly learning about these issues, we can begin the healing of our food system, the earth, and ourselves. By developing leadership and communication skills with young people and having them participate in all aspects of food production and farming – from planting to harvesting and distributing, we can increase our unity and hope for positive change in our community and beyond.

"Wow, I had no idea potatoes grow in the dirt. I wonder why they taste so good when I'm not supposed to eat dirt."   - Enfield 2nd grader,  Farm to Table program

“I actually learned to be more confident with my public speaking,” Teen Fall Intensive participant

"It is important that we addressed all the farmers as Farmer (name), because so many traditional children's stories, songs and rhymes give this title only to the (usually white) male head of household. And thank you for honoring different cultures and languages in many ways. You made the day for a student who was only in her third day of school in Ithaca, having just starting with a Spanish word that she understood from her grandmother back in New York, you sent the implicit message: You belong here. Perfecto!”  - Beverly J. Martin kindergarten teacher

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