How often have you heard someone say "I can't afford to live in this area"? There are more people who cannot afford their current rent, let alone the increases that have become prevelant lately.
The need for attainable housing is growing exponentially and Habitat for Humanity North Central Georgia are doing something about it. Each of our High Schools have formed a Habitat Club to help too!
The majority of qualified families are single mothers who's goal is to provide a safe home for thier children. Some live in unsafe, overcrowded, unhealthy homes. Our mission is to give them a hand up and not a hand out.
These families pay a 30 year zero interest mortgage with Habitat, they pay property taxes, homeowner insurance, and a termite bond. They spend 150 hours building their own and other habitat homes.
Once the new homeowners recieve thier keys Habitat continues to provide them with classes on how to e good stewards of their home. Please join me in helping create affordable homes for our neigbors! It is my goal to help at least one family a year!
Look, we are doing it!
July 20, 2023
Thanks to donors like you, we are getting closer and closer to our goal! THANK YOU!