Ithaca is Stories

Let's get to know each other better! Your gift supports Story Night, Artist Gym, a prison art exhibit, playwriting workshops, and a host of other activities.

A fundraising campaign for Story House Ithaca - a project of CTA

Sharing Stories, Building Community

Story House Ithaca brings people together to share, study, create, and enjoy stories in all their forms. We're a proud member of the Center for Transformative Action. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. 

At Story House, we define "story" very broadly, to include fiction and nonfiction, poetry and song, documentary, journalism, photography, audio, film, theater, puppetry, visual and performance art, graphics, dance, oral history, games, and every other way of communicating ideas and experience. 

​Our definition of "house" is also broad. We hope eventually to settle into our own space, but for now we're excited to be popping up online and around the community. 

We have organized more than 50 events so far, and we have lots of exciting programs in the works! We'd love to hear your ideas -- fill out the form on our website. 

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