Scoops and Scripture

Serving God's Word one scoop at a time!

A fundraising campaign for Scoops and Scripture
We are so excited to tell you about the ministry of Scoops and Scripture and how it is impacting our community in the name of Jesus. Starting in a nursing home in 2011, Scoops became a non profit organization comprised of followers of Jesus Christ who absolutely love sharing His good news.  Scoops volunteers love spending time with people regularly in nursing homes, children's homes, adult day care centers, women in crisis facilities, etc.  Our ministry's mission is based on 1 Thessalonians 2:8, "We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the Gospel of God, but our lives as well."  By the grace of God, we currently have approximately 30 Scoops and Scripture facilities.  Each team of volunteers visits their facility once or twice a month to build relationships, sing songs, share God's word, take pictures and eat ice cream! 

Scoops was created to provide a way for Christians who want to serve the broken, needy, lost and forgotten in their community, but don't know how to get plugged in on a regular basis.  We have packaged everything for each group (in a snazzy purple kit) so the volunteers are prepared when they enter their facility to share God's Gospel and love through this pre-packaged ministry.  Every purple kit contains a Devotion book (to share a biblical message), Scoops t-shirts, photo albums for residents, sample Scripture cards (to go in photo albums each time visited), a prayer journal, door prize, and an ice cream scoop. All that is truly needed in addition to that is ice cream and a heart for the Lord! 
Scoops is really a two-fold blessing.  First and foremost the residents in these homes, facilities, and rehabs are hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and being loved.  Most of the places that Scoops visits are those where the lonely and broken reside.  We have seen so much joy on the faces of these loved ones as we visit and share the love of Christ with them.  We have been able to not only minister to them, but also to the staff and family members who are within ears reach of our Scoops gatherings. Secondly, the volunteers are equally blessed from the time they invest in loving others this way. We have bible study groups, families, school groups, and individuals who are encouraged and blessed each time they volunteer at their very own Scoops facility.

We recently launched two new Scoops facilities in the state of Texas.  Scoops spans from Maine to Texas and Lord willing, will continue to expand throughout the United States.  Our goal is to come along side churches to help mobilize and engage believers to flood the community with the gospel of God and to love on His people.

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