Project All Access: inclusion for all abilities

Project All Access focuses on inclusion issues impacting people with disabilities. We assist with defraying the cost of accommodation.

Project All Access Mission

Applying a disability lens to our industry and philanthropy so that inclusion of people with all abilities becomes a reality.

This year Project all Access is focusing on accommodating students and helping them with outdoor adventure filed trips. Our goal is 50 donations of $100 ($5000) for  American Sign Language interpreters and guides for the blind students.

Project All Access focuses on unaddressed inclusion issues impacting people with disabilities. Project All Access assists with identifying solutions to accessibility barriers, secures contributions and donations, and provides grants to help defray the cost of accommodation.

Entities in western Idaho and Eastern Oregon that provide public access to recreational, educational and cultural venues and programs can make application for Project All Access assistance through the Southwest Idaho Resource Conservation and Development Council.


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