Help End Family Homelessness in Ada County

A fundraising campaign for Home Partnership Foundation

and Our Path Home to give a safe and stable home to every child in Ada County, Idaho.

All children deserve a home.

Children need a home to ensure healthy development. The trauma a child experiences while in shelter or on the street can change the rest of their lives. When a child experiences too much trauma, the synapses in their brains rewire, putting them in a constant state of fight or flight. Children who experience significant trauma, like homelessness, are five times more likely to experience depression and their life expectancy can be reduced by 11 years.

Home works.

Ensuring children have safe and stable homes is the antidote to the trauma caused by homelessness. By housing our community’s children, we give them the best shot to live healthy and productive lives. That’s why Our Path Home – a partnership of over 40 agencies in Ada County – is dedicated to ending family homelessness by 2025 by investing in three strategies:

  • Prevention: keep families housed and prevent them from experiencing homelessness in the first place
    • Services: rental assistance, landlord meditation, legal services
    • Goal: 90% of families remain in their current housing
  • Rapid Resolution: offer short-term assistance for families experiencing homelessness that don’t require long-term services
    • Services: deposit and first month’s rent
    • Housing: find existing inventory of housing
    • Goal: 70% of families remain stably housed a year later
  • Supportive Housing: create housing opportunities for families that require longer-term support
    • Services: Intensive case management, rental assistance, job development
    • Housing: Dedicated units and existing housing inventory
    • Goal: 80% of families remain stably housed a year later

You can help us change the story.  

If we raise $8.4 million over 5 years, we can scale our partnership’s capacity, get upstream, and ensure children and families have the stability of home that they need to thrive. Together we can end family homelessness in Ada County. 

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