New Youth Building

A fundraising campaign for Guardian Angels Parish

Guardian Angels is a home away from home for many of our young people. Help give our youth a space that is safe, welcoming and fosters a sense of belonging.


This year "Giving Tuesday" is on December 3rd! Give back to the Guardian Angels Community through a ONE TIME DONATION with the #iGiveCatholic campaign. All proceeds of this years campaign will go towards the building of our new Youth Building. 

Youth Ministry in our parish encompasses adolescents ages 11-18 year old. Currently our parish has no designated Youth Space that is conducive to our growing ministry that has been running out of the Social Hall. Part of our ministry is to make our church feel like home to our youth- a place where they feel safe, welcomed, and that they belong. A youth building will give our young people the ability to have a space that is just for them, where they will be free to dive deeper into their faith in a comfortable environment, that less resembles a classroom and more resembles a home. With your help, this youth building will serve the young people of Guardian Angels Parish for years to come. 

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