Love Thy Neighbor

Let's remake a more compassionate food system

A fundraising campaign for Hope & Main


We lift each other as we climb.

And although the climbing at times has felt more like a slog since COVID -19, your kindness and generosity have provided the lift your neighbors need!

Will you open your heart again today? Each gift of $10 to Hope & Main's Nourish Our Neighbors program provides a meal for the most vulnerable among us. Each gift builds a more just food system where everyone has a seat at the table. 

Even after 21 months into the pandemic, there are still individuals and families in Rhode Island struggling to meet their basic nutritional needs. As temporary government-sponsored food benefits come to an end,  Nourish Our Neighbors continues. In partnership with community based organizations such as senior centers, women's shelters, and our local K-12 school district, we are directly reaching people who might otherwise be left behind.

That is why your gift today means so much. Your generosity is remaking a more compassionate food system for Rhode Island!

Not only will you provide wholesome, prepared meals for children, seniors and others at risk through the Nourish Our Neighbors program …  but those meals are made by local small food businesses using ingredients produced right here in the Ocean State.

Your previous support enabled us to distribute more than 40,000 meals to RI families, and support dozens of small food businesses to turn more than a half a ton of local ingredients into culinary magic. 

And every meal is made with local love. Yours. 

We can’t do it without you. So thank you.

With gratitude, 


Lisa J. Raiola, MPH
President & Founder

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