Local Farmers Ending Hunger 2023

A fundraising campaign for Healthy Food For All - a project of CTA

Your gift will help us provide farm-fresh nutritious produce to food-insecure community members, and will support local organic farms.


Food & Health Equity 

Since 2006, Healthy Food For All (HFFA) has been making fresh, quality produce accessible to low-income households and promoting the viability of local farms through Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). 



HFFA provides sustenance and stability for over 1,500 youth and adults struggling with hunger while fairly compensating local farmers producing the diversity of fruits and vegetables that provide a cornerstone to good health. 


Farm Viability 

By investing over $200,000 annually in local organic farms, HFFA is helping to keep small diversified farms in business, in-turn increasing our community's capacity to sustainably grow healthy food for everyone. The whole community benefits from local abundance, farm resiliency and food security. And, as our farms grow more, they share morein 2021, HFFA farms provided over 150,000 pounds of fresh fruits and veggies at half price for low-income community members, and donated an additional 30,000 pounds valued at over $55,000 for neighbors in need.


Environmental Sustainability

HFFA’s farms use organic, biodynamic and regenerative practices. These techniques support soil health, protect and improve water quality, help draw down greenhouse gases and restore ecosystems while nurturing fertility and fortifying the harvesteven as pests and extreme weather conditions intensify. HFFA farms are working on our behalf to combat climate change, feed our community and heal our planet. 



Join Healthy Food For All in ensuring all of our neighbors have reliable and dignified access to good, clean nutritious food.

Give by check

Please make checks payable to "Center for Transformative Action/Healthy Food For All" and mail to: Center for transformative Action, P.O. Box 760, Ithaca NY 14851

Stay connected! 

Visit HealthyFoodForAll.org to learn more or contact [email protected]  We love making new friends!  

Healthy Food For All is a fiscally sponsored project of the  Center for Transformative Action, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by governing laws.

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