Lancaster Cares - COVID-19 Response Fund

Support critical needs for Lancaster County families during this crisis.

A fundraising campaign for Lancaster County Community Foundation

Support Lancaster Families during the COVID-19 Crisis

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Thank you for supporting people in Lancaster County during this challenging time. Your     generosity has made an important impact. If you would like to make a donation before the end of 2020, you might consider a gift directly to the United Way of Lancaster County or one of the 100 + organizations that benefited from the fund this year. Click here to learn more. 

We recognize that challenges may continue into 2021 and stand ready to support our community. We will be closely following the local situation to find the most effective pathways to be part of the solution. In the meantime, please read on to learn more about how our community has come together to support each other. 


Many individuals and families are experiencing need like never before. Even as our day-to-day situations begin to change, COVID-19 is continuing to impact people across Lancaster County in ever-evolving ways. As the pandemic has unfolded, we’ve learned that people of color are being disproportionately affected and many others are seeking support they have never required in the past.

The Lancaster County Community Foundation and the United Way of Lancaster County launched the Lancaster Cares COVID-19 Response Fund to ensure that we can support people’s needs as we continue to navigate this crisis together.  

Since this effort launched in March, our generous community has already raised $1 Million! Thank you! These donations mean that many friends, families, and neighbors across our community are being cared for and supported.  

Working with trusted local community benefit organizations (nonprofits), we are able to reach residents efficiently and effectively to address a wide range of challenges. Every week, new grants help organizations address some the most immediate issues facing local residents. Through these relationships, we can quickly turn dollars into help for people that need it. 

See the grants that have been made so far

While we have been working closely with more than 50 local organizations to meet immediate needs, we recognize that the challenges facing our community are likely to continue for months to come. 

Moving forward, we will maintain focus on 3 important areas:



This crisis is ever-changing and still unfolding. We are committed to being responsive to new needs that emerge as we move forward. Some of the Emerging Needs that we are beginning to see and address include: 

  • Support for people of color disproportionately affected by COVID-19
  • Eviction Prevention
  • Childcare Support
  • Mental and Behavioral Health
  • Domestic Violence

Please join us in supporting these essential services and supporting the families we work with, live among, and play beside across Lancaster County.

The Lancaster Cares fund is designed to complement the work of public health officials while expanding local capacity to address the outbreak as efficiently as possible. Grant funding is made possible by generous contributions from our community. Lancaster Cares was seeded with $250,000 from the Lancaster County Community Foundation with added support from Rodgers & Associates, Truist Cares Fund, High Foundation, PPL Corporation, Altria Group, Inc., Arconic Foundation, Armstrong Flooring Community Fund, and more. 

This is a time for Lancastrians to support each other and each do our part to support our neighbors and strengthen our community today so that we may thrive together tomorrow.

100% of your donation will go to direct support. 

If you, or someone you know, needs help right away, visit 2-1-1 or access the Tabor Community Services / Lancaster Housing and Opportunity Partnership Resource Guide.

Lancaster County Community Foundation EIN: 20-0874857

Learn more about how the fund works here


Check donations to be made payable to United Way of Lancaster County, with “Lancaster Cares Fund” in the comment section.:

United Way of Lancaster County

1910 Harrington Drive, Suite A

Lancaster, PA 17601

Apoya a las familias de Lancaster durante la crisis del COVID-19

Muchas personas y familias están experimentando necesidades que nunca antes habían experimentado. A pesar de que la situación cotidiana comienza a cambiar, COVID-19 continúa impactando a las personas en todo el condado de Lancaster en formas de constante evolución. A medida que se desarrolla la pandemia, hemos aprendido que las personas de color se ven afectadas de manera desproporcionada y muchos personas buscan el apoyo que nunca habían tenido la necesidad de buscar.

La Fundación Comunitaria del Condado de Lancaster United Way del Condado de Lancaster lanzaron el Fondo de Respuesta COVID-19 de Lancaster Cares para garantizar que podamos apoyar las necesidades de las personas mientras continuamos navegando juntos por esta crisis.

¡Desde que se lanzó este esfuerzo en marzo, nuestra generosa comunidad ya ha recaudado más de $ 1 millón! ¡Gracias! Estas donaciones significan que muchos amigos, familias y vecinos de nuestra comunidad están siendo atendidos y apoyados.

Al trabajar con estas organizaciones de beneficio comunitario (organizaciones sin fines de lucro) confiables, podemos llegar a los residentes de manera eficiente y efectiva para abordar una amplia gama de desafíos. Cada semana, las aportaciones económicas a proyectos ayudan a las organizaciones a abordar los problemas inmediatos que enfrentan los residentes locales. A través de estas relaciones, podemos convertir rápidamente los dólares en ayuda para las personas que lo necesitan.

Ver las aportaciones económicas que se han entregado hasta ahora

Si bien hemos estado trabajando estrechamente con más de 50 organizaciones locales para satisfacer las necesidades inmediatas, reconocemos que es probable que los desafíos que enfrenta nuestra comunidad continúen en los próximos meses. 

En el futuro, nos mantendremos enfocados en tres áreas fundamentales: 

Seguridad alimenticia. Apoyo a la vivienda. Necesidades emergentes

Esta crisis está en constante cambio y sigue desarrollándose. Estamos comprometidos a responder a las nuevas necesidades que surgen a medida que avanzamos. Algunas de las necesidades emergentes que estamos empezando a ver y abordar incluyen:

  • Apoyo a personas de color desproporcionadamente afectadas por COVID-19
  • Prevención de desalojo
  • Apoyo para el cuidado de niños
  • Salud mental y conductual
  • Violencia doméstica

Únase a nosotros para apoyar estos servicios esenciales y apoyar a las familias con las que trabajamos y vivimos en todo el condado de Lancaster.

El fondo Lancaster Cares está diseñado para complementar el trabajo de los funcionarios de salud pública al tiempo que amplía la capacidad local para abordar el brote de la manera más eficiente posible. El financiamiento de subvenciones es posible gracias a las generosas contribuciones de nuestra comunidad. Lancaster Cares fue sembrado con $ 250,000 de la Fundación Comunitaria del Condado de Lancaster y con el apoyo adicional de Rodgers & Associates, Truist Cares Fund, High Foundation, PPL Corporation, Altria Group, Inc., Arconic Foundation, Armstrong Flooring Community Fund y más.

Este es un momento para que los Lancasterianos se apoyen mutuamente y cada uno haga su parte para apoyar a nuestros vecinos y así, fortalecer nuestra comunidad para que podamos prosperar juntos mañana.

El 100% de su donación se destinará al apoyo directo.

Si usted, o alguien que conoce, necesita ayuda de inmediato, comuníquese con 2-1-1 o acceda a la Guía de recursos de Tabor Community Services / Lancaster Housing and Opportunity Partnership.


United Way of Lancaster County moviliza el poder solidario de nuestra comunidad
 para centrarse en apoyar las iniciativas de salud, las innovaciones en educación y el desarrollo de apoyos financieros para eliminar las barreras sistémicas y poder acceder a los pilares de una vida de calidad para todos.


La Fundación Comunitaria administra $100 millones en activos comunitarios, y está más involucrada en crear a una comunidad extraordinaria en el condado de Lancaster que nunca ha existido. Trabajamos codo con codo con personas como tú que se preocupan por el condado de Lancaster. Juntos, convertimos ideas en acciones e inversiones en legados que fortalecerán nuestra comunidad durante generaciones.


Donaciones en cheque pueden ser hechos a nombre de United Way of Lancaster County, con “Lancaster Cares Fund” en la sección de comentarios:

United Way of Lancaster County

1910 Harrington Drive, Suite A

Lancaster, PA 17601


23 Local Organizations Receive Lancaster Cares funds

April 24, 2020

We are proud to announce another $50,000 in investment to 23 local community benefit organizations to meet the unfolding COVID-19 crisis in Lancaster County.

Thanks to your support of the Lancaster Cares Fund, the Lancaster County Community Foundation and the United Way of Lancaster PA are able to provide support to vital local programs meeting the need of your friends, neighbors, and family such as food pantries, outpatient services, tele-medicine, addiction counseling, outreach into the Plain Community, and more.

See the full list of grant recipients

We are extremely honored and thankful to be able to partner with these organizations thanks to your extraordinary generosity. Thank you for your commitment to Lancaster County, and we look forward to updating you about the next round of grant funding next week.

Have a safe an enjoyable weekend,

The Lancaster Cares Team

$160,000 invested from Lancaster Cares into the community

April 17, 2020

The first rapid response dollars have been invested locally to meet the COVID-19 crisis in Lancaster County.

Thanks to your generosity, Lancaster Cares has raised more than $800,000 that will directly support residents of our community. Major gifts from Rodgers & Associates, Truist Cares Fund, High Foundation, Arconic and more than 600 individuals have been part of this extraordinary community effort to support Lancaster neighbors, families, and residents.

Dollars from Lancaster Cares are already at work through investments in Central Pennsylvania Food Bank and LancCo MyHome. Each organization received an $80,000 grant this week to expand their capacity to support growing demands for food security and shelter needs.

Read more

Stay tuned for weekly updates as we continue to invest rapid response dollars into Lancaster County to meet emerging needs! Your support is invaluable as we work together to meet this unprecedented crisis.

Thank you for all you do to show that Lancaster Cares,

The Lancaster Cares team

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