Kurz Family Assistance Fund

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A fundraising campaign for Annie's Angels Memorial Fund, Inc.

Our son Arlo was diagnosed in July of 2015 with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He is now 4 years old with 2 years of chemotherapy completed. His estimated cure date is Sept 30th, 2018. Arlo’s treatment is on track and his oncologists are pleased with the progress he has made since being diagnosed. Despite this, two years of treatment have taken its toll on our family both emotionally and financially. As his primary caregiver, I miss work whenever he is ill, or at risk for becoming sick. Due to the nature of his chemotherapy, these times are unpredictable and more frequent than we would like for our beautiful boy. For example, this past march, Arlo came down with a viral infection that left him weak and neutropenic for much of the month. His treatments were stopped until his numbers improved. I was home for 3 weeks caring for him during this time. Not a month goes by that I don’t miss work because my son has cancer. As a result, our financial resources are exhausted. We have been fortunate and managed in a number of ways. Our retirement and saving accounts have been cashed out. Family and friends have been incredibly generous, and more than once organizations including Annie’s Angels have offered us a financial life raft when we were drowning. We are a frugal family but still barely have enough every month to get by. So, instead we get a little more behind with no safety net to fall back on. Even though it is difficult, we are asking for help to see us through the next 15 months of Arlo’s treatment. Reaching out to other’s does not come naturally to my husband or me, however we have learned that it truly doesn’t hurt to ask. Often hopes and wishes are answered. Thank you for your time.


Elinor, Justin, Xyla, and Arlo Kurz

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