Help "FIX" the homeless pet problem

A fundraising campaign for S.A.V.E. Rescue Coalition

Help put SAVE Rescue out of business. You don't have to rescue a homeless animal if it is never born. Support our Spay/Neuter "GET FIXED" program

Put us out of business....

As an animal rescue group, SAVE has become one of the largest  groups in the Houston area, but we are praying for the the day that we are OUT OF BUSINESS.   To reach this goal we have got to reduce the numbers of homeless pets in the Houston metro area and the very first step to achieve this is to stop the supply of strays. Most owned pets are the initial source of strays.  An unaltered pet has a litter and some are given away not altered, some run off and become strays and all continue to add to the overpopulation problem.  Until we dry up the source, rescue groups like SAVE RESCUE will have to continue to grown and work overtime to help with this burgeoning problem.

Our community outreach program has altered over 125 pets of low income residents so far this year.  We allot donor funds each year to pay for these surgeries.  We would like to double the number of surgeries done to 250 per year with your help.  Each surgery averages $110.00 and we provide a rabies vaccine (required by law) to the owners. Each animal fixed not only keeps that animal from reproducing but does not allow the subsequent offspring to add the the problem if the animal is not fixed. The numbers are staggering but one female dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 dogs in just 6 years. So each surgery helps reduce the numbers for years to come.  

Strays are a health and safety hazard in many neighborhoods. They are run over and injured and die horrible deaths. They fill our municipal shelters and cost millions of dollars to house and ultimately euthanize for lack of space. Help us stop the suffering and make our community safer and more humane by supporting us in our efforts to stop the supply of strays. 

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