Dancing With the Stars Karnes County

Supporting ALL our children as we share with them the love of science!

A fundraising campaign for Karnes City ISD Education Foundation
Our 6th Annual Karnes City ISD Education Foundation Eagle Ford Energy Camp which will be held June 18-22, 2018.  Our Eagle Ford Energy Camp serves all of Karnes County - including all four school districts - and this year, will allow up to 150 students to participate.  

We will again be hosting our introductory STEM camp session including robotics, computers, rockets and more.   Our second year campers will journey into forensic science and solve a crime scene. (A really interesting Arson scene using fire dogs, fingerprinting, photography, and more!)  

We will be continuing to expand and conduct our aviation seminar as Session III! Kids will have the opportunity to use FAA approved flight simulators and simulate travel in the skies while applying their physics skills.  It should be another wonderful community event, keeping our children safe, and involved in the STEM field. 

We firmly believe that our camp remains one of the premiere summer outreach programs in our area.  We are committed to turning this into a powerful tool for our students and being able to achieve the following goals : 

-Increase knowledge about STEM related fields. 
-Expand classroom knowledge of our kids. 
-Promote teamwork. 
-Engage critical thinking skills. 
-Enhance educational opportunities and provide resources children otherwise would not have access to. 
-Promote community and county wide involvement. 
-Encourage higher education and training. 

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