Prior to the pandemic, there were 9,000 people experiencing homelessness in the state of New Jersey. Estimates are that 40% of renter households are now unable to pay their rent, due to job loss or the economic hardships related to Covid-19. In a report issued by The Stout Group, a global investment bank and advisory firm, estimates are that there will be 304,000 eviction filings when the moratorium ends, a 600% increase over pre-pandemic levels. The situation is dire for poor and low-income families.
FamilyPromise of Burlington County is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of all families in financial crisis. We offer help and hope to our clients as they get back on their feet and our goal is to get every family into permanent housing. But WE NEED YOUR HELP. To ensure the safety of our staff, volunteers, and clients, we are currently sheltering our guests in motels. It is significantly more expensive than our traditional operating model, where we sheltered guests in host churches throughout the county. We will continue to provide this vital service to families in need, regardless of their race, nationality, or religious affiliation. Please donate to this campaign so we can continue our mission because EVERY CHILD DESERVES A HOME.