Come on Board!

You make a difference and improve the quality of life in Tompkins County. Donors expand our capacity to meet critical needs and challenges. (NEW goal below!)

A fundraising campaign for Community Foundation of Tompkins County

The $10,000 goal is surpassed because of generous people. THANK YOU! Please keep your gifts coming, it means we will do more locally. A *stretch* $20,000 goal ties in and recognizes our county's 200th year!

You most likely understand that our community needs donors. Please support the Community Foundation (above are examples of what your gift amount can do) and provide a wide range of support to areas in need. Your gift will touch every corner of Tompkins County.

Donors help support tutors who work with elementary and middle school students at no cost. Donors can help employ adults with barriers to work (e.g. a disability, a criminal record, or an academic issue). Donors gifts of time and financial support helps kids, elderly, women and men in a range of income levels, veterans, animals, environment, arts and more. You may not meet the person you help with your gift but someone's life is better because of you.  

Thank you. Tompkins County is a better place to live because of you. 

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