Adopt-an-Older Adult for #givingtuesday 2019

Adopt-an-Older Adult on or before #GivingTuesday, December 3 and help us combat loneliness and isolation of older adults.

A fundraising campaign for Center of Concern

Nora is 87 years old and lives alone in her suburban home. As a widow of many years, she is devoted to her middle-aged son Michael despite the rare occasions they are able to visit each other. Michael is a resident of a group home whose needs are partially supported by Nora's modest social security income. Her isolation and anxiety from medical concerns have worsened in recent months. She finds herself crying more often now with her recent diagnosis of early dementia and failing eyesight resulting in the loss of her driving privileges.

Sensitive and caring Center of Concern Friendly Visitors helps her maintain her independence at home along with caseworkers providing supportive counseling to address early dementia, transportation, and medical concerns. Her son Michael has also been counseled and assisted with finding resources to stabilize his own needs so he can live closer to his mother. Nora is so grateful for the interaction of staff and volunteers who have helped her over several years. She beams with excitement with interaction from Case works and Friendly Visitors, Shopping Assistance and other services to lessen her isolation and stay more connected to the outside world.

 Loneliness is coming to be recognized in the helping professions now as a major contributor to functional decline in older adults. Nora’s casework has been adapted to her and the visiting efforts, in particular, have kept a bad situation from worsening through meaningful companionship. After visits, she is left smiling and with resolve to continue experiencing her life as meaningful and worthwhile. This is one of many clients who are helped by the Center of Concern visitors and shoppers to avoid or decrease the negative effects of living alone. You can help older adults like Nora with a visit this holiday season.

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