34k For My Birthday

Bringing love and freedom to orphans and trafficking victims

A fundraising campaign for Project Mona's House

My name is Kelly Galloway and I've dedicated my life to helping those experiencing homelessness, under-educated, orphaned, and exploited. I've built safe houses for trafficking victims in Nepal, and Guatemala.  Partnered with local churches in India to build orphanages, and schools; created GED programs, and other empowerment programs based in the US throughRamp Global Missions.  <--- Check us out, and get involved.

I'm choosing to decline ALL birthday gifts🚫🛍🎁, parties🚫🎊, and 🚫🏝trips this year with the hope that all my friends from around the world🌎 will join me in raising 34k for my 34th Birthday.  ALL --->  every single penny, dollar, and dime... will go toward supporting these orphanages, and restoration homes for trafficking victims like Mona’s House.  (You can even visit if you'd like 🙋🏽 )  You will be giving to a GREAT cause!!!

Every dollar counts, so please help me reach my goal!!!  

Sharing is caring so tell EVERYONE YOU KNOW💕



P.S.  Please sign up for updates so we can keep you informed on all the amazing things taking place

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