2024 Alumni Legacy Campaign

Empower Futures: Help Us Reach Our $100,000 Goal!

A fundraising campaign for Southern Scholarship Foundation

Double Your Impact with SSF

Join SSF’s mission to empower students through housing and education. We're nearing our $100,000 goal and need your help to cross the finish line! Every donation today is matched dollar for dollar by SSF's Board of Directors, up to $5,000— donate today and maximize your impact!

Why Your Support Matters:

  • Unlock Potential: Aid first-generation college students.
  • Combat Insecurity: Support those facing food and housing challenges.
  • Enhance Diversity: Empower a vibrant community of learners.

What Your Gift Achieves:

  • Wellness Support: Vital mental health resources.
  • Leadership Training: Building skills for tomorrow’s leaders.
  • Facility Upgrades: Safe, nurturing living environments.

Act Now: Your gift today invests in future leaders. Every size donation transforms lives. Let’s achieve this goal together!

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