2020 CUNY Law Review Scholarship Fund

Help us raise funds for our members and other CUNY Law students #ontheroadtosuccess towards financial assistance for unpaid public-interest summer internships.

A fundraising campaign for CUNY School of Law
The City University of New York Law Review (“CUNYLR”) aims to publish work authored by cutting-edge social justice scholars and public interest practitioners. We strive to provide a forum for community advocates, organizers, and allies, to influence and radicalize legal practice. These aims are motivated by the Law Review’s larger social justice vision: to address the consequences of structural oppression, and to challenge these structures themselves.

Our social justice mission is deeply integrated into the Law Review, with a rigorous article selection process that emphasizes innovative legal scholarship with a practical impact in support of low-income communities, communities of color, and other historically marginalized and disenfranchised groups of people. It was with this mission in mind that the Law Review created its unique Public-Interest Practice Section (“PIPS”), which incorporates “lessons from the field” from practitioners and community advocates. Additionally, the Law Review values a strong student voice, and publishes creative legal scholarship written by law students who are willing to take risks in our robust Notes & Comments section.

Each gift we receive goes straight towards our goal of two $2500 public interest summer fellowships to one CUNY student & one CUNY Law Review Staffer. These funds allow students to pay for housing, food, and transportation during their ten-week unpaid public interest summer internships. Please consider donating the transaction fee at the end of your transaction—the amount is a percentage of what you donated. Thank you! 

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