Help Reduce Toxins in Children's Lives

A fundraising campaign for Informed Green Solutions

Informed Green Solutions wants to spread the word about reducing children's exposures to hazardous chemicals See

Childhood asthma, allergies, and even some cancers - how can we protect our children from these diseases?

Children may be exposed to many hazardous chemicals in their child care programs. While child care providers do their best to keep our children safe many may be unaware of the hazardous chemicals that children are exposed to in cleaning products, toys,and many other items used in child care programs.

Researchers and experts know that ingredients in cleaning and pest control products, toys, nap mats and other items used repeatedly throughout the day in child care programs can cause asthma, allergies, disrupt children’s hormones and even cause some cancers. There are safer options available.

Informed Green Solutions gives child care programs the training, guidance and knowledge to reduce toxic exposures in children. We have directly assisted over 80 Vermont programs and have educated thousands of child care personnel on the benefits of using safer, greener products. See our video below for a training in action.

Protect our children’s health by helping to fund workshops at statewide conferences, technical assistance to child care programs and to educate Vermont policy makers. Help us get the message out! Make a secure tax deductible donation today to assist us in getting our Vermont preschoolers off to a healthy start.

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