Student Emerging Needs Fund

The COVID-19 pandemic has created significant challenges for our diverse student body, many of whom do not have a financial safety net. It’s time for us to act.

A fundraising campaign for CUNY School of Law

Your donation supports CUNY Law students when unexpected needs threaten to interrupt their progress towards becoming lawyers.

The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the importance of our mission as a public institution - expanding access to justice and ensuring the representation of communities that are most vulnerable - or the need for our graduates. It has deeply impacted our students - many of whom come from the communities hit the hardest - and created obstacles for them to practice law in the service of human needs at the moment when that is most needed.

Funds support needs such as:

  • Basic living expenses - food, rent, childcare and healthcare - due to the sudden loss of income or unexpected increased need

  • Emergency travel for family illness or bereavement

  • New expenses to accommodate distance learning 

  • Need-based scholarships, bar study grants and public interest internships 

Your contributions will also support opportunities for students to launch their careers in a field adapting to the unprecedented circumstances of the pandemic. This also includes planning for the incoming class whose conditions have drastically changed since they first applied. Every donation helps.

Please pledge your support today! We understand that not everyone is in a position to donate. You can still help by sharing this ask with your networks. Thank you!

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